Ploidy and Fertility

Hans-Werner Hammen
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:40:43 PST

Thank you, ummh... Jim.
(I saw my fault when I reviewed my just-sent letter but then it was certainly too late...;)


I did not know that there be a significant group of interest who desire to see those plants united into a genus if crossbreeding is possible - and I am indeed amazed!

My state of knowledge is that the taxonomists do not care - nor for appearance neither for ummmh...crossability :) -  in fact they unite /separate by other criteria, the relationships based on molecular biology.  Oh - I think that you and I are mightless against that...

But, personally, for ME, Amaryllis IS unique. If I were forced to place it anywhere (by similarity of appearance) then ld put it into the species Nerine- but I would know that it would be remaining an outsider there.... *rolleyes*  


> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 16:22:19 -0500
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Ploidy and Fertility
> Great photos, Hans-Werner. Neat colors and amazing textures on those blooms.
> It was Jim McKenney, not Tim, who suggested that the taxonomists need to
> catch up. Hans-Werner, when you write " But, as we all know, too, is, that
> this is not an argument for re-placing these within one genus" you are
> speaking for yourself, and perhaps many others, but not all of us.
> All of us don't know that - or at least all of us don't agree with that. Can
> you cite a better criterion for demonstrating that plants are very closely
> related than the ability to produce viable, fertile offspring?
> Forget what the plants look like: that's very nineteenth century.
> Regards,
> Jim McKenney
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