Dear All, To add to this thread, I can report nothing in bloom outside except a confused Viburnum x carlesii that is putting out some anemic blooms because it thinks it lives in Tahiti. Indoors, I have a lovely little white Tulbaghia that never stops blooming. It came from a BX donation. Also, there are a couple of blooms on Leucojum roseum. This pretty thing was on my list of most desired bulbs, and Diana Chapman kindly sent me some. So I am especially glad to have it bloom and hope that I don't kill it this time. Two cyrtanthus are also beginning to bloom: C. breviflorus and C.mackenii, yellow. The others in the C. mackenii, o'brienii, brachyschyphus group usually start blooming about now too. Happy holidays, Dell -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of James Waddick Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 1:57 PM To: Pacific Bulb Society Subject: Re: [pbs] 12 Christmas-flowering bulbs Dear Mr Hoog, What excellent medication for improving the view out my window: ice, snow and more falling in flakes/drops almost too tiny to identify. The few similar items in my garden will hopefully bloom in a few months, but right now we are weeks from signs of spring. I love the descriptions of Crocus, Galanthus and Colchicum putting on their show now. Not nearly enough of us can grow and appreciate a winter garden. Forget visions of sugar plums, give me more early spring visions. Even Jim McK's I unguiculares makes me jealous. I've got to try it here again now that global warming may allow it to bloom 'somewhere' ! Mary Sue's explosion of color sounds positively super. Of course Doug's sub-tropical garden is what northerns always suspect - bloom of exotics any time and always something. It does show the range of flowers and bulbs we grow. The only showy item in my cool greenhouse is a pot of Tulbaghia simmleri from the late Dave Karnstedt. We traded my white for his typical lavender. Of course my white form isn't blooming, but Dave's has a half dozen stalks and more developing. A sweet memory and show of color. After a cold and over frozen spring last year, I wish all a mild spring and best gardening ever for the New Year. Best Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F + _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list