12 Christmas-flowering bulbs

contact contact@bulbargence.com
Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:55:29 PST
Dear all;
Here below  the message via our website;
To all our friends customers and visitors a Merry Christmas. In December we finished mulching 
all our plantings with compost or straw and now all is in a peaceful winterrest. We had several 
frosts, but no serious damage was caused. Many species are in flower over Christmas: The 
Nerines survived the frosts, but the main shows comes from the Narcissus tazetta, Iris 
unguicularis, the last Crocus, Moraea polystachya (since Octobre), Oxalis, Cyclamen 
pseudibericum and coum, Galanthus elwesii. Anemone coronaria surprises every winter with an 
very long flowering period. (Decembre -April). Unfortunately the spectacular Dahlia imperialis is 
absent this year (scorched by a frost -5° on the 19th of November), but she will be back next 

I would like to  add that there is  a very nice bunch of Narissus romieuxii in flower (gift from 
Audrey Caine  a few years ago). A very attractive  Christmas flower is Androcymbium ciliation  
which lasts for at least two months. (flowers well hidden in  large creamy-green bracts) All 
species mentioned are grown in the ground (some under shadecloth) subject to   frequent but 
light night frosts.
 Allready my best wishes for the New year

Lauw de Jager
South of France (this moring sunny  with temps around 0°)


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