Zantedeschia odorata seeds?
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 17:52:59 PST
Hi Diane,
I have some plants of Z. odorata growing by a large window in my  school 
where I teach.  It has not flowered yet, but might this year.   Z. odorata is 
smaller than its larger, more common, cousin, and seems more of an  obligate 
winter grower. It will indeed go dormant in summer, no matter what. Its  possible 
some are still in the collections at the New York Botanical  Garden from my 
days when I worked there, but I do not know if those  plants are still alive. I 
believe it bloomed once while I was there,  but I remember not being exactly 
overwhelmed with the scent. I got my  original seeds from Silverhill Seeds, you 
might check with them to see if they  have some in stock.
Ernie DeMarie
New York

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