A decade or two ago I was lecturing / visiting in England. A friend there offered me some Galanthus cultivars. Since Galanthus is on CITES Appendix II, I telephoned John Arcery at the Kennedy Airport APHIS inspection station to explain the situation. I suggested that my friend and I would go to a notary in said friend's town and testify to the fact that these were A) cultivars and B) propagated, not wild collected (though how one could wild-collect cultivars in the first place . . .) After all, I already had a general import permit that included Amaryllidaceae (I'd gone for plant families when applying for the permit, why be niggardly and restrict to genus, let alone a specific species.) Not possible, said John. I would need government level export and import documents. What would happen if I brought them in without said documentation on both sides? I was sternly informed that the bulbs would be confiscated and sent to the nearest approved educational institution. Which, in this instance, would be the New York Botanical Garden. Where I was then and am now an instructor. I thought about this for a bit, but decided that was getting complicated. Galanthus bulbs do look very much like those of Narcissus bulbocodium . . . Judy in New Jersey, where gray skies and patchy iced-over snow look gloomy rather than festive