Wiki additions

Robt R Pries
Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:44:28 PST
Mary Sue;

	Please don’t be discouraged by the lack of response
to the postings to the wiki. I have found it to be the
norm that very few people send compliments or
acknowledgements to those that work hard in
organizations and provide benefits. The The PBS Wiki
is a fantastic resource. You probably touch the lives
of many gardeners who are looking for a small bit of
information and never join PBS or any other
organization. It is somewhat of a miracle the amount
of information that gets placed free upon the world
wide web. That small subset of the population, like
yourself, that share their work for the world to see,
deserve special recognition. Unfortunately only a
small subset try to advance that effort by supporting
the organizations that make it possible and an even
smaller subset aid in that work. I regret to say that
I have not contributed any photos, but for the last
year my camera has been in another state and I have
not been able to take any. Be assured that when I can,
I will do my part to help. In the meantime I can only
pay my dues and send you this thank you for a job that
is being done very well. 

Bob Pries

--- Mary Sue Ittner <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm never sure if I should keep announcing wiki
> additions since I almost 
> never get any feedback to know if anyone does more
> than delete the post. So 
> perhaps people who care should write me privately
> and I could just have a 
> short list I could send an announcement to. I know
> some of the others who 
> add pictures have stopped telling people about their
> additions for the same 
> reason.
> I just added some more Massonia pictures to the
> wiki. I also looked up the 
> key in the Cape Encyclopedia and see that it is the
> stamens that are the 
> distinguishing factors in telling the species apart.
> Massonia depressa has 
> anthers that are more than 2mm. M. pygmaea besides
> being smaller has 
> filaments of two lengths. Massonia pustulata has
> filaments longer than 10 
> mm (to 24mm.) and Massonia echinata 10 mm or less.
> So it looks like you 
> need to measure to be sure of what you have. I went
> out and looked at my M. 
> depressa and the anthers really are bigger. You
> can't see these subtle 
> differences in pictures. Photos added: Massonia
> depressa from Cameron 
> McMaster, Massonia echinata from Alan Horstmann (an
> unusual color) and 
> pustulate, Massonia jasminiflora from me and now
> blooming, Massonia 
> pustulata being pollinated (sorry these pictures
> aren't clearer, I had very 
> little time to get a tripod or even be sure of my
> settings, but was 
> fascinated watching the pollinator go from anther to
> anther), Massonia 
> pustulata from Cameron, and finally Massonia pygmaea
> from Alan.
> I also added a few more Haemanthus pictures a couple
> of days ago. The first 
> is of a hybrid I believe. Doug Westfall sent me seed
> of H. albiflos and one 
> of the seedlings was distinctly different.
> And I added pictures of H. pauculifolius now
> blooming for awhile in my 
> greenhouse. I obtained this from Telos a number of
> years ago, but this is 
> the first time it has bloomed and I quite like it.
> I also added a picture of an additional Dietes 
> species that we saw in the 
> Royal Botanical Gardens in Sydney. This species,
> Dietes robinsoniana, is 
> native to Cape Howe Island, an island off Australia.
> I added an additional 
> picture from Alan Horstmann of Dietes bicolor at the
> same time.
> Finally about a week ago I added a wiki page for
> Chamaescilla
> This is an Australian genus with blue flowers. It's
> a charming little plant 
> we saw a number of times when we visited in
> September. It is not in the 
> Hyacinth family, but in the Anthericaceae family
> along with some other 
> Australian plants with the unusual root system that
> annually grows tuberous 
> roots from a cormlike stem. This family has been
> included in Agavaceae or 
> optionally Asparagaceae by APG II. Since
> Hyacinthaceae is also optionally 
> included in Asparagaceae that is one way genera with
> blue flowers that have 
> scilla in the name can be together.
> Mary Sue
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