And in inland Southern California, where the climate conditions *in the ground* are just fine for many of the winter growing bulbs, I could never put the dormant pots in full sunshine against a south wall, especially seedling bulbs in small pots. I move them under full shade either under trees with dense canopies, or on a non-south-facing wall of the house over which I have strung up aluminized tarps over the storage area—in the same ways one puts up shade cloth except this is complete shade. —Lee > On Dec 19, 2019, at 1:15 PM, oooOIOooo via pbs <> wrote: > > Even summer-growing cacti cook against south- or west-facing walls here in Phoenix. Many summer-dormant bulbs are iffy in full shade through our summers outdoors. We have weeks of nights in the 80s F / mid 30s C. Most Albuca, Drimia and Oxalis are fine dormant outside here. I put a lot of pots in boxes and store them indoors in closets for the summer. > > Leo Martin > Phoenix Arizona USA > Zone 9? > _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…