Change in APHIS Plants/Plant Parts for Planting Procedures?

Tim Chapman
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 21:10:26 PST

I can’t cover the the entirety of your post but here are a few bits:

For permit application use ‘All Applicable’ for both ports of entry and plant genera.  This covers everything and really should be standard on the permit.   You can ask to have your current permit changed. 

It was mentioned before that dormant bulbs are under a different classification and can be imported with neither import permit nor phyto being necessary.  Even easier you can have package addressed to your own address not the inspection station (but contents must be declared on outside so it can be pulled for inspection).   I have permits and usually get phytos as I’m importing more than a few items.  I have tried the method above and have had no issues.  I have shipper include my permit though just to be safe.   I can not find a specific section on APHIS website that says bulbs from ANY country so it may be that only the specific ones listed are available for the permit less process. 

As for quantities it’s very difficult to try to order what inspectors would consider large via regular mail or express courier.  Any considerable amount will be be air or sea freight and at that point you will have to work with a customs broker.   If you have one familiar with plants they have no problem moving clean material through quickly.  They will want airway bills etc and know when shipments are coming in.  Whether or not they need to coordinate before hand with customs I don’t know (but doubt they need to).

One other point , if you are going to try the permit less approach make sure the package is labeled truthfully on outside and an invoice of the contents is listed inside (scientific names and quantities etc).  Throwing a bunch of bulbs in a box with no info will get destroyed if inspected. 

Tim Chapman 
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