Plant Societies and Plant Forums for 2020

Mon, 30 Dec 2019 04:47:44 PST
Hi all,

> Dave's Garden

seems quite dead to me, payed forum-wise, even though the free plant 
data is often quite good. The search function is abysmal, I've made a 
habit of adding "dave" to a plant name in google if i want to find 
something there...

Another group I enjoy is - of course it's not plants 
only, but you can learn a lot about places where certain plants thrive, 
and it helps honing your identification skills. You can subscribe to 
taxa or whole families if you want to see what people are observing. 
"research grade" IDs have to be taken with a grain of salt, though, 
because two enthusiastic beginners believing in the (again usually 
rather good) automatic image analysis mis-interpreting a 
hemerocallys-hybrid or a red and yellow tulip as sparaxis tricolor do 
not make anything "research grade" - another reason for some of our 
local experts to join there;-

Southern Germany
Likely zone 7a

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