As we near the end of the year it's time to remind all of the PBS members about a couple of things. 1. It's a great time to pay for outstanding BX or SX charges ( we do have a number of them) using PayPal and as a reminder you can include more than one payment in a transaction. Just include a note in that section telling me where the payment should be applied. I get many payments with no info and it takes a while to track down the corresponding transaction. 2. You can renew now and get credit for all of 2020, it will save us the time and money sending out renewal postcards. 3. I appreciate all the notes of thank you that I usually receive. The gratitude belongs to the Board in it's entirety and those members who contribute their excess bulb material. Without the seed and bulb material the entire process would have ended long ago. 4. If your unclear about a past due BX or SX please email me at and I'll check the records. Most of all I'd like to thank Nhu for his years of service to the Pacific Bulb Society. He's gone through some geographical moves and kept his focus on moving the Society forward. Happy Holidays to all and thanks for all the support. Arnold TrachtenbergTreasurer, PBS _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…