July 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun, 01 Jul 2012 00:45:22 PDT
Ending: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:04:23 PDT
Messages: 330
- plants in pots Bulborum Botanicum
- plants in pots Peter Taggart
- Zephyranthes and Habranthus Peter Taggart
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 316 ds429@comcast.net
- Crinum "Jumbo" (was Blooming in the heat.) Randy.R
- Moraea vespertina culture Robert Werra
- slightly off topic: deer repellants, and what's in bloom Kathleen Sayce
- What's blooming: Week of July 4, 2012 Kipp McMichael
- Boophone excitement! Kipp McMichael
- Boophone excitement! Billthebulbbaron@aol.com
- David Retief, cape bulb enthusiast David Retief
- pbs Digest, Vol 114, Issue 4 Amelia Hayner
- Fwd:Rain Lily Nhu Nguyen
- Aus Alan Horstmann
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 317 Dell Sherk
- BX 317 links for each species from Gastil Gastil
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 317 Elaine Jek
- TOW Tuberous Pelargonium - Part 2 Elaine
- Boophone excitement! MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER
- Boophone excitement! arnold140@verizon.net
- The Bulb Garden Jane Merryman
- (no subject) Luc G. Bulot
- email WARNING! Nathan Lange
- pbs Digest, Vol 114, Issue 6 Amelia Hayner
- David Reteif cape bulb enthusiast Robert Werra
- Off topic - cricket ball arnold140@verizon.net
- Lycoris chinensis Lee Poulsen
- Pacific BX 317 CLOSED ds429@comcast.net
- Off topic - cricket ball arnold140@verizon.net
- my first Moraea polystachya flower Ina Crossley
- my first Moraea polystachya flower Gastil
- Las Vegas Dennis Kramb
- (no subject) Marilyn Daly
- spam to the list Mary Sue Ittner
- Growing medium David Retief
- Growing medium David Retief
- (no subject) Chris Carroll
- Growing medium Jane McGary
- Scadoxus pole-evansii Fred Biasella
- When to plant Gastil
- Scadoxus pole-evansii Hannon
- Growing medium Randy.R
- Growing medium Gastil
- Growing medium Gastil
- Growing medium J.E. Shields
- Growing medium Jane McGary
- Rhexia virginica Dennis Kramb
- Apomixis Pacific Rim
- Confusion PJOSPUX@aol.com
- Confusion arnold140@verizon.net
- Daylily Flowers Don't Open, Worms? Daniel Kerr
- Daylily Flowers Don't Open, Worms? J.E. Shields
- What is flowering now (in the middle of our winter) Ina
- Begonioa salmon > white Zonneveld, B.J.M.
- New member introduction Michelle Trimble
- Begonioa salmon > white PJOSPUX@aol.com
- New member Michael Mace
- growing in the ground and soil requirements Gastil
- growing in the ground and soil requirements Gastil
- spoilt leaves on Muscari a. Baby's Breath Ina
- 5 New Crinum Hybrids Jay Yourch
- 5 New Crinum Hybrids Randy.R
- Tulip in Houston? Sujit Hart
- Amaryllis x hippeastrum hybrids Tony Avent
- Growing native bulbs in the Bay Area Mary Sue Ittner
- Tulipa Colleen
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 318 Dell Sherk
- Lachenalia ID help? David Retief
- Postcards from South Africa David Retief
- Postcards from South Africa Mary Sue Ittner
- Postcards from South Africa David Retief
- Postcards from South Africa David Retief
- Seedling bulbs Rodger Whitlock
- Hythergraphs Rodger Whitlock
- Hythergraphs Gastil
- Hythergraphs Michael Mace
- Climate Mary Sue Ittner
- Growing Bulbs in the Bay Area Michelle Trimble
- Tigridia pavonia Ina
- Scadoxus Ina
- Tigridia pavonia Mary Sue Ittner
- Griffinia Dennis Kramb
- Growing bulbs in the bay area Michael Mace
- best time to transplant A. belladonna Gastil
- best time to transplant A. belladonna Gastil
- What's blooming James L. Jones
- OPS eliminate ...was best time to transplant A. belladonna Chad Schroter
- OPS eliminate Gastil
- Amaryllis belladonna blooming project - year 2 Nhu Nguyen
- Boophane disticha Sujit Hart
- pbs] Amaryllis belladonna blooming project - year 2 Kathleen Sayce
- Coping with Cold (Bulbs for frozen soil)--TOW Native Landscapes & Reclamation
- Griffinia for Zeph or Habranthus? James Wood
- Colchicum in cold climates ds429@comcast.net
- Colchicum in cold climates Jane McGary
- Snowdrops and hellebores seed John T Lonsdale
- Snowdrops and hellebores seed Pacific Rim
- PBS BX payments arnold140@verizon.net
- PBS BX payments Leo A. Martin
- PBS BX payments arnold140@verizon.net
- Bulbs for shade ? J.E. Shields
- Snowdrops and hellebores seed Eugene Zielinski
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 319 Dell Sherk
- Dracunculus ID Gene Mirro
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 319 Robin Russell
- Bulbs for shade ? Gastil
- Bulbs for shade ? arnold140@verizon.net
- Bulbs for shade ? J.E. Shields
- Bulbs for shade ? J.E. Shields
- Bulbs for shade - Cyclamen Robin Hansen
- Which Nerine is this? Ina
- Which Nerine is this? Ina
- Tropaeolum speciosum: collecting seed Gene Mirro
- Lachenalia Romaud Ina
- Ferarrias David Retief
- Tropaeolum speciosum seed Johannes-Ulrich Urban
- Cyclamen in the midwest Jane McGary
- Cyclamen in the midwest arnold140@verizon.net
- Ferarrias arnold140@verizon.net
- Ferarrias David Retief
- Ferrarias Michael Mace
- Paramongaia weberbauerii Ton Wijnen
- question Joseph Kraatz
- FREESIA LAXA Sylvia Sykora
Last message date:Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:04:23 PDT
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:38:10 PST