PBS BX payments

Hans Huizing hanshuizing@home.nl
Sat, 28 Jul 2012 10:36:19 PDT
Dear Arnold,

I received the packet with my last order (BX 317) this morning and have 
paid today through Paypal.
As far as I know, I have paid for everything I ordered so far.
If not, please let me know.

Kind Regards,

Hans Huizing


Op 28-7-2012 17:49, arnold140@verizon.net schreef:
> Dear PBS Member:
> Most members of the Pacific Bulb Society would say that the BX/SX is one of our most valuable services. As a participant in that exchange, we hope you agree! The funds generated through BX donations support a lot of the other services that we are able to provide to our members.
> We understand how easy it can be to set aside the BX slips, so we wanted to send all of you who are behind a reminder that you may lose your BX privileges. If you would like to confirm the total outstanding balance, feel free to email me at [arnold140@verizon.net].
> Payments should be sent via PayPal to [pbs.treasury@verizon.net] or via snail mail to:
> C/O Arnold Trachtenberg
> 140 Lakeview Avenue
> Leonia, New Jersey 07605
> We appreciate your attention to this matter. If your account remains delinquent, "you will be unable to request seeds or bulbs" until all BX payments are received. "I know that you" would hate to lose access to this wonderful resource!
> Thank you for your continued support of PBS,
> Arnold Trachtenberg
> Treasurer, PBS
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*H. J. Huizing*

Wapendrager 38

7943 RP Meppel

Holland //
Tel: (0031) 0522-440717


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