Amaryllis belladonna blooming project - year 2

Nhu Nguyen
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:06:43 PDT
Hi everyone,

Last year I came up with this citizen science project after a discussion we
had on this list about the triggers that caused the bulbs to come into
bloom. I created a form and requested your help. I had a good number of
responses from southern CA to Washington and Arizona.

This year I am hoping that you will take a little time and help me out
again. It doesn't matter if you didn't fill one out last year. Any and
every data point are precious. Hopefully by next year I can start a
preliminary analysis of the data and can report back to you. If this works
out, we can get this published in a scientific journal using "Pacific Bulb
Society" as an author. If you contributed, your name will appear in the

So, if you happen to walk by a patch of these great plants and notice that
the buds have broken ground or that they are in bloom, please take a minute
to fill out the form. The data will be submitted directly to me.


Thanks so much!

PBS President

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