Rodger wrote: >>I propose to generate hythergraphs of locales dear to bulb-growing hearts and (if I can master converting them from Open Office spreadsheets to .svg files) post them on the PBS wiki. That would be excellent, Rodger! Check out the comparative temperature and rainfall graphs that Lee Poulsen did for the wiki a few years ago. You may be able to re-use some of that information:… Elaine wrote: > If possible, I'd like to find out about Palo Alto. Though isn't this available on the weather sites? The whole western US is thick with weather stations. There's one in Palo Alto; you just have to know where to look online (the info is not easy to find). Here's the weather record for Palo Alto: 1906 to 1953: 1953 to 2012: There is a cool zoomable map online that lets you view all of the weather stations in the western US. Just zoom in on the area you are interested in, click "Show Stations," click on the particular station you want, and then click "Access climate information": It's amazing how variable the microclimates are in the mediterranean parts of the world. There are similar sites for Australia and South Africa, and you can find some info for Europe, although it's less organized because there are so many countries. The info for Chile, alas, is very thin and hard to find. I suspect they just don't have a lot of weather stations. Maybe there's better info available online in Spanish, but I don't speak the language. If anyone finds a good source for Chile, let me know. Mike San Jose, CA