Tue, 31 Jul 2012 18:49:08 PDT
Hi Sylvia,
If those are the "blue" Freeisa laxa corms I sent in for PBS BX 302 then yes, they can grow in the ground, at least they can here.  I thought I was zone 9b but other data indicates I am zone 10a. We do get frost, but only occasionally and it is light frost.  I did grow a few out in the open garden last year, with light frosts, and at least 2 survived to bloom. Nearly all of mine I grow in terracotta pots under an arbor, protected from frost. I would not advise growing these out in the open.

I keep harvesting more seed.  If anybody has not gotten their fill of it yet I could send more to Dell.  Mine send only one flower stem per corm so it is good to have a cluster in a pot.

- Gastil
Santa Barbara, sort of zone 9b but maybe 10a, depending which years are averaged.

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