I'll be the first to reply to my own post. What I had bought as a white moorei bulb appears to be jagus. I suspected it wasn't moorei, and shouldn't have posted it here as such until I was sure. I have other moorei var schmidtii bulbs growing since this spring, but sadly they haven't flowered for me yet RandyR ________________________________ From: Randy.R <steyrhahn@yahoo.com> To: "pbs@lists.ibiblio.org" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> Sent: Sunday, July 1, 2012 9:27 AM Subject: Crinum "Jumbo" (was Blooming in the heat.) I have two pots of white Crinum moorei blooming this week. They look beautiful, but even shaded, don't seem to be handling the heat well. A large Crinum herbertii is taking the 100F temps in stride it seems; it has a scape of a dozen or more blooms currently. Also Cecil Houdyshel is in bloom for me. http://randyrick.us/FlowerGarden/crinum/… http://randyrick.us/FlowerGarden/crinum/… Comment. The white moorei doesn't seem to have the long neck the pink moorei have, and the leaves are wider. Frank & others growing Crinum bulbispermum var "Jumbo". 5 scapes is a lot of blooms. congratulations. I'd like your recipe. My understanding of Jumbo is that it is a strain selectively bred by LES Hannibal and that he passed some of it on to Marcelle Sheppard. A few years ago Marcelle distributed a large amount of Jumbo seed. I obtained 2 types of seed last year from a member here, of a cross and the back cross, of two red jumbos that were grown from the seed obtained from Ms. Sheppard. The seed has done well for me and I now have several nice seedlings of each cross. I'm expecting 3 more years until I see blooms. I may plant one of each type of seedling this Fall, and leave the rest potted until next Spring. I'd been thinking about trying to find some seed from Jumbo bred for white color, pure white if possible. Marcelle (on her web pages) alludes to some of the Jumbos producing a few white offspring and that she has been breeding them for that trait. Anyone here with any knowledge of that work? Has anyone had any success with a white strain? As luck would have it, I've obtained 2 batches of Jumbo seeds from different sources (Thanks Jim Waddick) recently which give me some more Jumbo material to work with. RandyR Zone 7b Georgia USA ------------------------------------------------- Crinum "Jumbo" has it's 5th spike in bloom, ...editted... Frank Cooper, Central Illinois, zone 5b Record high 109F, record low -25F