Last week I read with interest the advice on growing media for pots. What experience to list members have with growing in the ground? I am half done with my new raised beds: 12" tall, 30" wide, bottom lined with 1/2" 16 gauge wire mesh. My plan is to mix the existing loam with sand, pumice (the light kind), and well aged, manure-free compost. I have sent off a sample of my loam for soil testing. These are the genera I will plant: Aristea Babiana Dierama Dichelostemma Geissorhiza Gelasine Gladiolus Ixia Lapeirousia Micranthus Moraea Nivenia Onixotis Oxalis Romulea Thereianthus Tropaeolum Xerophyta Seeing that list all at once I realize this is overly ambitious because I expect these each have their own ideal soil conditions and it will be hard to find one soil that suits all. I will divide the beds into several sections. Irrigation will be primarily rainfall and irrigation with collected rain water. Where does one look up the soil and nutrient requirements specific to genera such as these? - Gastil Santa Barbara, CA USDA 9b (sort of), Sunset 24 (sort of; plus frost), cool-summer Mediterranean climate (Csb)