Tigridia pavonia

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Sun, 22 Jul 2012 18:32:03 PDT
Tigridia pavoniana can withstand both wet Winters and wet Summers in the
ground in Britain - (zone 7 or 8), as well as prolonged freezing
conditions. I know of some CORMS planted many years ago, against a wall and
shelterd by a cherry tree, which flower about every second year.. I would
not say that they do well, but they can survive winter moisture....
Tigridias have corms not bulbs. if you half one, and half a dutch (or
reticulata) Iris bulb  you will see the difference. Use a Crocosmia or
Gladiolus corm if you cant spare a Tigridia
Peter (UK)

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