Moraea vespertina is an interesting unique winter rainfall fugacious moraea. It is stirdy-2 ft tall with sticky stems. It is absolutely the last winter rainfall moraea to bloom,(June in inland No. Calif.) long after the rest are finished. The blossoms are large, open faced white with yellow centers and have a slight sweet fragrance. True to their name they bloom during evening Vespers-5 to 8 PM. They open at 5PM and fade at you have to check them at suppertime. They are very floriferous and bloom for up to a month. As Michael Mace pointed out they need to be in the ground. I don't give them summer water. I believe they are self pollinating. Now in my raised bed I have a clump of seven wiith twenty large pods. I will have many seeds for the BX and privately if you want to try them. Bob Werra