Tulip in Houston?

Bulborum Botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Thu, 19 Jul 2012 00:31:36 PDT
Tulips are measured in circumference or Size I or ll

Here a list from the commercial botanical ones with there colour ,
size and hight


acuminata, scarlet and yellow          	I	30-40
altaica, lemon-yellow	6/+cm	10-20
armena, crimson red	I	10-20
armena ssp. armena, yellow form, yellow	I	10-20
aucheriana hort., (syn. T. humilis ‘Aucheriana’)		
bakeri 'Lilac Wonder', roseine purple, inside mauve	6/7cm	10-20
batalinii, pale lemon-yellow	I	10-20
batalinii 'Apricot Jewel', orange-red, inside golden-yellow	I	10-20
batalinii 'Bright Gem', sulphur yellow, flushed orange	6/+cm	10-20
batalinii 'Bronze Charm', yellow, bronze feathered	6/+cm	10-20
batalinii 'Red Gem', vermilion with pink glow, inside scarlet	6/+cm	10-20
batalinii 'Salmon Jewel', salmon-orange	I	10-20
batalinii 'Yellow Jewel', yellow, tinged rose	6/+cm	10-20
biflora, white with yellow eye	5/+cm	10-20
biflora maxima, white with yellow edge	6/+cm	10-20
bifloriformis, creamy-white 	I	10-20
clusiana, true species, white with carmine red, base violet	I	20-30
clusiana 'Cynthia', spinel red, edged chartreuse green	6/+cm	20-30
clusiana 'Lady Jane'®, white with red	6/+cm	20-30
clusiana 'Peppermintstick'®, inside white, outside red		
clusiana 'Sheila', apricot with red flame	5/+cm	20-30
clusiana var. stellata	I	20-30
Miscellaneous continued	size	Height cm.
clusiana 'Tinka'®, primrose yellow with red	6/+cm	20-30
clusiana 'Tubergen's Gem', rhodonite red	6/+cm	20-30
clusiana var. chrysantha, deep yellow, yellow edge	5/6cm 	20-30
clusiana var. cashmeriana, white to pale pink, red band	I	20-30
dasystemon, bright yellow 	5/+cm	10-20
didieri, red	I	20-30
dubia Tschimgam, a variable species but usually orangy with 		
dubia x greigii Beldersai, soft yellow with red on outer petals	I	20-30
eichleri, scarlet-red, black base with yellow margin
              	I	20-30
eichleri 'Excelsa', scarlet red	9/10cm	30-40
ferganica, bright yellow                        	8/+cm	30-40
grengiolensis, pale yellow with red margin                  	I	30-50
hageri, dull red, inside tinged with green	5/+cm	10-20
hageri 'Splendens', copery-bronze with scarlet glow	6/+cm	10-20
heweri, golden yellow with red flush	I	10-20
'Honky Tonk', yellow	6/+cm	10-20
hoogiana, bright scarlet, black base with yellow margin	I	40-50
humilis (syn. T. pulchella var. humilis), violet pink, base yellow	6/+cm	10-15
humilis 'China Coral', purple	6/+cm	10-15
humilis 'Eastern Star', magenta rose, bronze flames	6/+cm	10-15
humilis 'Helena', purple	6/+cm	10-15
humilis 'Lilliput', shining cardinal-red     	6/+cm	5-10
humilis ‘Magenta Queen’, lilac-purple, green flame	I	10-15
humilis 'Odalisque', spiraea-red, inner tepals purple   	6/+cm	10-15
humilis 'Persian Pearl', greenish magenta-rose	6/+cm	10-15
humilis 'Pink Charm', pink	6/+cm	10-15
humilis var. pulchella 'Albocaerulea Oculata', (syn. T. violacea		
humilis var. pulchella 'Albocaerulea Oculata'-Pink Form, 		
humilis 'Rosea', light violet with yellow centre	6/+cm	10-15
humilis var. 'Tête-à-Tête', dark purple-red	I	10-15
humilis 'Violacea Black Base', (syn. T. violacea ‘Black Centre’),		
humilis 'Violacea Yellow Base', doge purple	5/+cm	10-15
iliensis, lemon-yellow	I	15-25
ingens, bright scarlet-vermilion            	I	40-50
kolpakowskiana, yellow, streaked with red	6/+cm	15-25
kurdica, orange-red 	6/+cm	10-20
'Latvian Gold', red, edged yellow	I	30-40
linifolia, signal-red, inside scarlet 	4/5cm	10-15
'Little Beauty', tyrian purple with moorish blue	6/+cm	10-15
'Little Princess', blood-red and spanish orange	6/+cm	10-20
'Little Star', white, yellow centre. Outside flamed green and red	7/8cm	5-10
marjolletii, pale creamy-white, edged cerise	7/8cm	20-40
mauritiana 'Cindy', primrose-yellow, flamed lemon-yellow	I	40-50
maximowiczii, signal red, large black base	4/5cm	10-15
mixture of species and miscellaneous, mixture	5/+cm	10-40
montana 'Yellow Form', yellow with black base	I	10-15
montana var. chrysantha, yellow	I	10-15
neustruevae, deep yellow with greenish brown bands                	5/+cm	15-30
orphanidea, bronze-orange	I	15-30
orphanidea 'Flava', pale yellow, tinged orange and green 	6/+cm	15-30
polychroma, white with violet, base yellow           	6/+cm	10-20
praestans, brick-red                           	10/+cm	30-40
praestans 'Bloemenlust', signal-red, flamed capsicum red	10/+cm	10-20
praestans 'Fusilier', orange-scarlet                	11/12cm	20-30
praestans 'Moondance', orange-red with yellow	10/+cm	15-25
praestans 'Red Sun', red	10/+cm	15-25
praestans 'Shogun', yellow-orange with orange-red	10/+cm	10-20
praestans 'Unicum', capsium red, light yellow base,               		
praestans 'Van Tubergen’s Variety', orange-scarlet	9/10cm	25-35
praestans 'Yari', tomato red	10/+cm	30-40
praestans 'Zwanenburg Variety', vermilion	9/10cm	25-35
'Red Hunter'® , tomato red. Ht. 15 cm	6/+cm	10-20
sarracenica, blood red	I	10-20
saxatilis, rosy-lilac with yellow base            	6/+cm	15-25
schrenkii, scarlet with orange margin	8/+cm	10-15
sogdiana, white, yellow base	I	10-20
sprengeri, red with hint of gold	I	30-50
stapfii, scarlet with black yellow margin blotch	I	20-30
sylvestris, yellow	6/+cm	20-30
sylvestris ssp. australis, deep yellow, tinged with hint of red	I	20-30
'Taco'®, clusiana type, red with yellow edge. Inside yellow	6/+cm	15-25
tarda, white with yellow base, outside brownish-purple
	7/8cm	5-10
tschimganica, yellow	I	15-25
tubergeniana 'Keukenhof', scarlet with yellow centre          	11/12cm	40-50
turkestanica, white and greyish-violet, base orange-yellow         	7/8cm	15-20
urumiensis, golden-yellow with bronze tinge
	7/+cm 	5-10
vvedenskyi, scarlet to orange          	11/12cm	20-30
vvedenskyi 'Girlfriend', yellow with red blush 	I	25-30
vvedenskyi 'Tangerine Beauty', fire-red, lemon blotches 	11/12cm 	15-20
whittallii, mid orange, tinged greenish-bronze	6/+cm	20-30
wilsoniana, deep blood red                      	6/+cm	10-20

2012/7/19 Peter Taggart <petersirises@gmail.com>:
> 1 cm bulbs of clusiana could flower. -2cm would be a big bulb.
> Most tulips do not seem to persist in acid soils, I have seen T saxatilis
> (bakeri), T sylvestris and T sprengeri  do well in dry, acid  gardens
> Peter (UK)
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Ina <klazina@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
>> Mine are 1cm.... (at the most)
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R de Boer
La Maugardiere 1

Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204
Email:   bulborum@gmail.com

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