Boophane disticha

Sujit Hart
Thu, 26 Jul 2012 09:18:36 PDT
I received the seeds of B. disticha (summer blooming) from BX 317 and am
very excited to plant them. The seeds are already germinating into the
shape of a tadpole, so I know I should sow them right away. From what I
read I need to use 1:1 organic: inorganic and just leave the seeds on the
soil surface or lightly cover them. If I leave the seeds on the surface,
should I still put some kind of grits on the surface. Any advices will be
appreciated. I really want to have healthy seedlings that will grow and
live and perhaps give me blooms down the road. After all it is this genus
that lured me into joining PBS. I think I will keep the seedlings indoor
since it is very hot in Houston this time of year.

Houston, Texas

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