Amaryllis belladonna

Thu, 13 Aug 2009 18:59:18 PDT
Hi ,

I grow around 70 different collected and bred cultivars of  Amaryllis 
belladonna and its hybrids.  The optimum flowering in Amaryllis occurs if 
the bulbs experience are able to grow strongly during autumn and winter 
followed by dry climatic conditions from mid Spring to mid Summer - broken 
by a summer rainstorm or heavy watering during the 2nd to 3 month of Summer. 
If sufficient rainfall doesnt fall at the close of summer the bulbs wont 
flower - or flower poorly that season.
It is also clear from my cultural experiments that planting a bulb too deep 
results in lots of pups but a distinct lack of flowers.  Some varieties and 
particualry those with some hybrid genes grow and flower best with up to 
half of the bulb exposed to direct sunlight.  I have found that all 
Amaryllis in common wont flower if there is too much shade - and while it is 
hard to qualify the exact amount of sunlight needed in the crucial flower 
bud forming period, I get the best flowering from Amaryllis varieties that 
are exposed to direct sunlight for most of the day.
It is also likely that if the bulb mass is cramped and covered with  large 
amounts of  Amaryllis leaf from these bulbs,  then the area around the bulbs 
remains cooler and shader - impeding flower initiation.

There are early and late flowered varieties, the most common species forms 
that tend to be light pink to medium pink coloured are the earliest to 
flower and the multi flowering darker rose to red  coloured forms with 30 to 
40 flowers per umbel  are the last to flower usually around the last month 
of summer - with up to two months of separation between the early and late 


Jim Lykos
Blue Mountains

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