I've got Ismene narcissiflora growing lavishly. I've had them for years. I have no idea as to their purity, but the flowers are white with some green on the mid-ribs and the center; they are lightly scented, and self-fertile (I'm hoping to collect some seed this year -- I have in the past, but stupidly did not take care of the seedlings properly). They produce nectar which one can see dripping from the styles. Eight scapes are bloom right now, holding their umbels well above the rather long, sturdy concave (but not whit I would call grooved) leaves emmanating from the rather robust pseudo-stems which nonetheless need staking. I'll try to get some pictures for you. The plants are lage -- the leaves are nearly 30" long; the pseudo-stems about 1'; the total plant height is nearly 4'. David Ehrlich