Moraea huttonii(?)

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 06:33:23 PDT
Dear Rosalind,

Welcome to the Pacific Bulb Society list. Your question about Moraea 
huttonii reminded me that Rhoda McMaster from South Africa wrote an article 
about the "grandiflora" Moraeas that grow around Sutterheim in the Eastern 
Cape where she used to live. There were five large flowered yellow ones, 
with three of them evergreen. Those species are M. huttonii, M. spathulata, 
and Moraea reticulata. She wrote this article for the Indigenous Bulb 
Association of South Africa's excellent yearly bulletin (No. 51, 2002). 
Some of these bulletins are linked to their web site including this one.

The article is on page 22.
We have the three species pictured on the wiki, but not very good pictures 
of the leaves, mostly just the flowers.

I hope this helps you sort out which species you might have.

Mary Sue

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