Pacific BX 212

Dell Sherk
Sat, 01 Aug 2009 12:16:33 PDT
Dear All,

        The items listed below have been donated by our members to be
shared.  If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me
PRIVATELY at <>. Include "BX 212" in the subject line. 
       Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not specify
quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address, too, in
case I don't already have it. Availability is based on a first come, first
served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included
with them, a statement of how much money (usually $2.00/item) (cash, check,
or Pay Pal to <>; no money orders, please) you should send
the PBS treasurer to defray our costs for packing and first-class,
priority-mail, or international postage.


     Some of you are members of the online PBS discussion forum but are not
members of the Pacific Bulb Society. THIS BX OFFERING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO
MEMBERS OF THE PBS. Consider joining the PBS so that you can take advantage
of future offers such as this. Go to our website: ....

          If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the
PBS,(Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for their
donations.), please send CLEAN, clearly labeled plant materials to:

Dell Sherk
6832 Phillips Mill Rd.
New Hope, PA, 18938

 Non US donors should contact me for instructions before sending seeds.


From Joyce Miller:

1. Tubers of Cyclamen africanum, various sizes

From Monica Swartz:

2. Seed of Freesia leichtlinii

From Bob Hoel:

3. Bulbs of Lachenalia aloides var quadricolor, various sizes
4. Small bulbs of Eucharis amazonica
5. Offsets of unnamed commercial Hippeastrum hybrids

From Mary Sue Ittner: (BULBS)

6. Calochortus uniflorus-Winter growing,  native to California, perhaps not
one of the most beautiful Calochortus, but also one of the easier ones to
grow, blooms in California late winter, early spring 

7. Crocus ochroleucus -originally purchased from Jane McGary. This one makes
a lot of small bulblets, at least for me and that's what a lot of these are.
It is white with a yellow center, late fall bloomer in California 

8. Freesia fergusoniae - winter growing (comes from an area that has some
year round, but most winter rainfall), fragrant 

9. Oxalis obtusa MV 5051  Vanrhynshoek.  2" lt copper-orange, darker
veining, yellow ctr.

10. Oxalis obtusa MV 5516 7.5km s of Nieuwodtville. 1.25" lt yellow  flrs
above lvs.

11. Oxalis Uli 69, flava?

SEEDS: (open-pollinated)

12. Cyclamen coum subsp. coum forma albissimum -- collected from 'Golan
Heights' which has white plain leaves , white unmarked flowers

13. Crocus pulchellus -- fall blooming, very reliable every year in Coastal
Northern California

14. Erythronium helenae -- This one seems to be the easiest one for me to
grow and flower in spite of it being found in serpentine and supposedly
needing warm summer temperatures. It is native to Northern California, but
inland from where I live. Really a beautiful plant!

15. Gladiolus hybrids -- these seeds probably have Gladiolus tristis and G. 
huttonii in their parentage

16. Hesperantha latifolia -- bright pink, winter blooming, open during the

17. Massonia echinata -- leaves of this form are smooth and eventually you
need one pot for each as it gets quite large, winter growing

18. Moraea vegeta -- flowers are brownish and this one is very low to the
ground, but I've found is easily grown in the ground without any attention. 
Flowers are only open for a day at a time, but the bloom time is quite long.
I've grown this one in coastal California and inland too and in both places
was easy to grow and bloom in the ground. Since it's low and I haven't
always deadheaded as I should this year I had hundreds of flowers all open
at the same time. Perhaps that means it has weed potential, but could be
easily overshadowed by taller plants. Winter growing

19. Muscari aucheri - winter growing, bright blue flowers with white tips,

20. Narcissus fernandesii - my first Narcissus to grow from seed, this is a
late winter, early spring fragrant yellow species from Spain and Portugal

21. Phaedranassa sp. -- I've tried several times on this list to figure out
the ones I grow unsuccessfully so am calling this a sp. Mostly evergreen
although I withhold water to help stimulate bloom. I'm not sure about the
hardiness. I grow in an unheated greenhouse.

22. Romulea grandiscapa - winter growing

23. Romulea tetragona (De Vos variety  flavandra ) -- haven't gotten a
picture yet on the wiki of this form, not recognized in revisions. It has
yellow anthers and pollen, lilac pink, winter growing

24. Sparaxis grandiflora violacea - winter growing, has been a reliable
plant for me in northern California, cream to violet flowers

25. Sparaxis hybrids - I  got a seed packet of hybrid seed from the
Australian Bulb Association when I joined that group a number of years ago.
Sparaxis bloom from seed often in the second year and occasionally in the
first year if you have a long enough growing time and it was fun to see all
the variations that appeared. I just gathered up seed around the garden so
who knows what you might get. Our wiki page gives you an idea:…

25. Cyclamen cilicum - fall blooming

26. Cyclamen repandum - winter growing and blooming

27. Freesia fergusoniae - winter growing, see above, open pollinated, could
hybrid as I have other Freesia species

28. Leucocoryne sp. - probably hybrid seed as taken from a pot that 
inadvertently ended up with more than one species, winter growing

29. Zigadenus fremontii -- which is now being called Toxicoscordion
by some although we haven't gotten around to changing the wiki yet, winter 
growing,  this species is native to where I live and blooms for a long time 
late spring

Thank you, Joyce, Monica, Bob, and Mary Sue !!

Best wishes,

Dell Sherk, PBS BX

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