Amaryllis belladona in Connecticut

Judy Glattstein
Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:58:23 PDT
The Amaryllis belladona I flowered in the open garden was in Wilton, 
Connecticut. "Open" in that the bulbs (all two of them) were outdoors, 
close to house foundation and sheltered under the deep roof overhang.

This garden had the gardener's holy grail of high organic, moist yet 
well-drained soil. The west-facing slope from street down to plateau 
where the house was situated was gravel two feet down, which was as deep 
as I ever felt like digging. The neighborhood was underlain with a 
stratified drift aquifer. Tulipa aucheriana (one bulb) planted on that 
slope multiplied into a nice little colony - until, that is, deer moved 
into the neighborhood and ate them. Dicentra peregrina also did very 
nicely there.

In the wooded section (slope down from behind house to lower flat 
portion of property) with five 100-year-old white oak trees, Cyclamen 
coum, C. hederifolium, C. fatrense, C. europeum, C. repandum were 
thriving and reseeding. Trillium also liked it there.

I was looking in my old notebook for information on the flowering of 
Amaryllis belladona, didn't find it but did find a note about Mirabilis 
longiflora waking up in April 1993. In a pot, to be sure. I still have 
the same plant so that's rather nice and reassuring. Means I can keep 
some plants alive for a respectable time frame.

Here in New Jersey my garden is on clay, so cold, wet soil in winter. 
Easy to rot roots.

And, by the way - Texas may be stricken with drought but we are flooding 
out. June's total rainfall was 8.65 inches, July was 6.35 inches, and 
with today's .95 inches I'm sure August is already over 5 inches. August 
2nd we got 2.8 inches in 30 minutes that ran down a path, tunneled under 
the edge where it met the driveway and hydrodrilled down the center. 
Foot-deep sinkholes. Tuesday the paving company was here. 34 tons of 
asphalt and 196 feet of driveway repaved. Small bulbs planted along the 
edge of the driveway will be surprising me next spring, when and where 
they might emerge.


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