I ordered and grew several types of garlic this year. Much to my surprise, most of them put out beautiful seed pods and after I pulled the garlic out of the ground I laid them to dry with the seed bulbs suspended over containers so I could gather any that fell. I now have lots of wonderful plump seeds that I'd like to plant and see what happens. I have kept the seeds for each variety separate and labeled. Each variety of seeds looks different. The varieties I grew that produced seeds are: Kilarney Red - Persian Star- Nootka Rose Romanian Red Inchelian Red, not all of this variety produced seed heads, just a couple My husband does keep 10 beehives in the garden so everything gets pollinated.. All of this garlic was planted about 1 foot apart in a square with each variety in a separate row. Has anyone planted garlic from seed before? Carolyn Craft in Los Gatos CA, zone 9 **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/… =JulystepsfooterNO115)