Dear All, Until we can get our very own Pacific Bulb Society wiki we can use Lawrence's. He says he has created it just for learning purposes anyway so we can experiment away with it. So here is what I'd like you to do: 1. First you need to upload the message. To do this go to:… (Hopefully the whole address will display in this message). The Browse key will allow you to find where on your computer you have the picture file you want to show us. Hopefully you will have named it something short, but descriptive so the name will display on the url to the list. Find the file and push upload. After the file has been transferred from your computer to the server you will be given the url location. Make a note of this or copy it and paste it directly in your email so you won't lose it. 2. Identify in the subject what the image will be so that everyone will know what it is. For example on the last one I said Eremurus message, but Mark might have wanted it to be even more descriptive. 3. Tell us about your image and then include the url so people can look at it if you have not already. 4. Now for the next really important part. If you love this image please write to the person PRIVATELY and tell them. We do not want to be archiving a lot of one line nice image responses. If you have a question about the image or the plant however, respond to the group. That's it for now. Happy experimenting. Mary Sue