Images for our list--Using the wiki

Lauw de Jager
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 23:38:32 PST
SheilaB a ecrit :
I've put a few images onto the wiki page.
> It's just a small learning curve, learning to do it. Hoping to see many
> images posted there.

Dear Sheila,
 While practising "Wiki" in order to get use to it,  I have  seen your
Leucocoryne vittata.  Is this name a synonyme for L coquimbensis? A very
nice picture in any case.
     Once we have all loaded images into these page I  foresee a problem
how to find our way around amongst hundres of URL. How can we find our
way around or  find a particular species?

Lauw de Jager 
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France

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