
Hamish Sloan
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:27:53 PST
Thanks Rob,

Mine have leaves, they just don't put on weight!  The bulbs are still less than a centimetre across after about three years.

Are the leaves of B. radulosa also prostrate, or nearly so? My sample are lanceolate whereas my B. gregarii are nearer to parallel sided leaves, being sufficiently different that I am sure they are different plants.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Robert Hamilton [smtp:///]
Sent:	14 January 2003 10:43
To:	Pacific Bulb Society
Subject:	Re: Brunsvigia

Hi  Hamish,

> B. gregarii (-ii or -ia? The leaves are certainly prostrate.)
> B. natalensis
> B. radulosa     These three are all small seedlings still and I am not
> having much luck in getting them moving. Perhaps compost not porous
> enough.
> Bring on to surface of compost even though still small? What
> temperature is
> best for the winter growth? Mine have to be in the greenhouse.

B natalensis and radulosa are  from  summer  rainfall areas  and  some gregaria's can  grow in  summer rainfall areas. B radulosa is  in growth for  me at  present  having appeared in early  December.  Yours are probably  just dormant.


Rob in Tasmania

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