frost damage

Lauw de Jager
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 10:48:52 PST
 Dear All, It may be of minor interest, but I cannot resist to  share the following experience with you: Now that we are back  again to normal temperatures,  it is interesting to note which species have suffered  leaf damage, after one week of snow  with temperatures varying from 0 to -3°C (32- 25°F) The leaves of the followwing species were serverely damaged: Chasmanthe( but will surely flower this sping), Nerine sarniense(even the bulbs  suffer), Amarcrinum, Crinum Moorei, Dahlia imperialis Only slight damage: Agapanthes praecox orientalis, Amaryllis belladonna,  Nerine bowdenii 'Pink Triumf' (Haemanthus, Ferraria, Lachenalia etc   had protection with acryl tissue and were not damaged)

 Kind regards 
Lauw de Jager
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France

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