Dear Peter, Cathy and All, You might be interested in some Dutch experiences with growing Eremurus At commercial Dutch nurseries Eremurus is usually grown on light sandy calcareous soils near the coast. These soils are porous and well drained but will be wet during winter. The water table is usually kept at 60 -70 cm below the surface of the fields. (Dutch winters are always wet and have become wetter than ever over the last years) Minimum temperatures in this coastal area are rarely lower than minus 12 degrees Celsius but most growers will give some cover with straw as they usually do with their bulbs. The Ruiter hybrids have been named after the hybridizer/firm who bred them. These are seen in florist shops in June as a cut flower. I have grown Eremurus robustus and E. himalaicus on a very heavy river clay for years. This soil could become very wet during winter but drainage was good. (no water standing on the surface of the soil). The "bulbs" survived occasional temperatures of minus 15 degr. Celsius without snow or straw cover while settled and planted at a depth of 10 cm (as did Dracunculus vulgaris much to my surprise but planted deeper). Summerdrought is unpredictable here and summers can be wet. Temperatures are usually between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius with short periods up to 30 degrees. When I moved E. robustus to a lighter and poorer soil they died out within a few years... (I should have feeded them) I do know of people complaining about Eremurus never "doing" on their light sandy soils. Were I on such a soil I should certainly give them stable manure as a cover in winter eventually combined with some lime. E. olgae has been growing for one season in my garden and then decided to leave me. I think this is a difficult one which needs a really dry rest and it doesn't like a long wet winter. E. robustus is one of the most beautiful species and I think we are lucky that it is also the easiest for garden culture while originating from relatively damp habitats. Key points for successful cultivation seem to me: - fertile soil; Eremurus is a gross feeder - a cold winter period of a certain length; this seems to me more important than summertemps. Best, Gerrit Oskam, Netherlands, zone 7-8