TOW--Bulbs for Pacific Northwest Gardens
Ernie O'Byrne (Sun, 19 Jan 2003 15:20:48 PST)

Sorry, in my introduction, I didn't mean to be chauvinist. I had meant to
convert and give metric also, so here it is

45-50" = 1140-1270mm
100" = 2540mm
10-15 degrees F. = -12 to -9 C.
0 degrees F. = -18 C.

Ernie O'Byrne
Northwest Garden Nursery
86813 Central Road
Eugene OR 97402-9284
Phone 541 935-3915
FAX 541 935-0863
Eugene, Oregon is USDA Zone 8a on the map, but we can only grow Zone 7
plants reliably. Member of NARGS, SRGC, RHS, American Primula Society,
Meconopsis Group, Alpine-L, Arisaema-L, Hellebore Group

"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we
arrive at that goal."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.