TOW--Bulbs for Pacific Northwest - RIP

Jane McGary
Thu, 23 Jan 2003 21:23:30 PST
COmments [in brackets] on Diane's At 02:26 PM 1/22/03 -0800, you wrote:

>  Bulbs that died out fairly fast
> Fritillaria imperialis [I think the commercial stock is mostly virused],
meleagris [definitely needs moisture], michailovskyi [very susceptible to
Botrytis], persica 'Adiyaman' [not very cold-hardy and needs very dry summer],

>Galtonia candicans [not very cold-hardy] Ipheion uniflorum [does not
survive outdoors here, not sure why] and 'Wisley Blue' bulb Iris - Dutch
[not cold hardy here],

>English (latifolia) [does well here where it is colder and probably drier
in summer but wetter in winter], reticulata hybrids [probably came
diseased] Leucojum aestivum and vernum [they don't die here but don't bloom
either - require summer moisture]

>Nectaroscordum siculum [does well here but is not invasive]

>Eremurus robustus [often damaged by spring frosts, nothing eats them as
far as I know, not even goats] was in the unwatered area where a lot of

>the above bulbs died, and only lavender, rosemary, artemisia and Senecio
>'Sunshine' thrive. 

> Crocus.  Various C.chrysanthus hybrids have died out [no, they got eaten,
I bet], even though planted
>by the dozen, and occasionally by the hundred. Several cvs of C. biflorus
>and sieberi have survived since '89 but haven't increased. C.tommasinianus
>that I thought would take over the yard as it has at the Bishop's Close in
>Portland, Oregon, seems to have been shaded out [very likely, mine do well
in grass in sun]. 

Jane McGary

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