So are your Romuleas outside in beds or ?. Mine are in pots in the cold greenhouse, and only R. Autumnalis has yet bloomed. The rest are in bud or are new seedlings. Do they do better outside for you? At 11:18 PM 2/25/2003 -0800, you wrote: >I continue to have one Romulea bloom after another. I Marguerite - Gardening with bulbs and perennials at 3500 feet in the mountains of southern California. Extreme temperatures in our Mediterranean climate from 0 to 110 degrees F. Average temperatures 15 to 90 degrees F. A few days of snow in winter and a few days of extreme heat in Aug-Sept. Drought conditions seem to be changing to an 'El Nino' year. (I think that's long-hand for USDA zone 7B.)