group order: The Croft Wild Bulb Nursery
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 15:29:26 PST
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your input about our next group order. At the moment, I’m going to 
put one together for The Croft Wild Bulb Nursery in South Africa.  A group 
order will allow us to share the costs of a phyto, international shipping, and 
bank charges, making the individual expense less.  One advantage in ordering 
through Croft is that they offer both seeds and bulbs. They also have a very 
large selection of Brunsvigia, about which we had a wonderful TOW exchange 
recently, led by Bill Dijk. The varieties available include B. bosmaniae, 
gregaria, grandiflora, marginata, natalensis, and orientalis. All are available 
as bulbs, and B. gregaria and grandiflora are also available as seeds. There 
are many other species to choose from, including several varieties of Crinum, 
Cyrtanthus, Dierama, Gladiolus, Moraea, and Nerine.

Another advantage is that Rhoda has been so kind as to offer all PBS members 
who are paid in full and involved in this group order a 15% discount!

Rhoda has sent me a Microsoft Word file that lists everything available, 
provides prices, and also has some planting & care tips. Anyone interested in 
taking part in this group order should email me PRIVATELY at so that I can send it along to you.


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