Scadoxus seed to bloom

Douglas Westfall
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 15:54:30 PST
J.E. ShieldsDoug Westfall jshields104@insightbb.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long
Beach, CA

> Hi Jim,

I don't want to debate the concept that you have suggested in your Email,
but I'm certain that both have their goo and bad points.

I would debate the scenery point.  When we go to our Summer place in
Sequoia, the scenery is breath taking!  The mountains to our east are 13,000
to 14,000 feet high.  The gorge below our lake (King's Canyon) is the
deepest in the US.  The Redwood trees are the biggest trees. The
Brodiaeas,the Alliums, Sierra Rein Orchids, Leopard and Tiger Lilies, and
Calochortus are varied and easily found. Add to that the hugh Ceders and
several species of Pines, Trout, Perigrin Falcons and Bald Eagles -- and the
list could go on, and on.

No, I do not work for the Chamber of Commerce.

Best wishes,


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