Sand beds & sources

James Waddick
Wed, 05 Feb 2003 07:12:22 PST
>John wrote:
>	"Sand beds, summer dry but uncovered year round - medius, niveus,
>cartwrightianus, goulimyi, tournefortii, boryi, cancellatus, speciosus,
>hadriaticus, longiflorus, serotinus, leitchlinii, chrysanthus, antalyensis,
>flavus, biflorus, laevigatus, korolkowii, pulchellus, cvijicii, baytopiorum,
>gargaricus ssp. gargaricus."

Dear John ;
	This is great. I built a sand bed as follows. 5 ft wide, 3 ft 
deep and 3 ft high. This is built at the end of the driveway with a 
lining of Weed barrier and hardware cloth to keep critter from 
digging up into the bed. It is filled with pure coarse sand and a 
couple chunks of real tufa and other stones on top.

	I have no Crocus in it yet (!), but I now have a great 
shopping list. The few things I have planted in this bed are doing 
amazingly well. It may yet give me hope for Crocus goulimyi, 
cvijicii, baytopiorum,gargaricus, hadriaticus, niveus and others I 
have tried and lost.

	I do have a 'complaint' about your sources as it is harder 
and harder for imports into the US. USDA has given me more trouble in 
the past year than within the last ten years and I fear that imports 
will be even more difficult. I am sure this will(does) encourage 
illegal imports, but it also discourages many potential sources from 
sending seeds, bulbs and plants to the US at all. Even the Crocus 
Group does not include US members in their seed program (Tony is this 

	My fairly new sand beds and troughs turned out to be simpler 
projects than I anticipated and have impressed me greatly.

	Best	Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
E-fax  419-781-8594

Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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