Rhodophiala bifida produced another stem alongside the leaves; almost finished now. Lycoris radiata fully open now. Of 12 clumps in one bed only 5 are flowering, and each clump only producing 3-5 stalks. 10 clumps in another bed doing nothing. Several dozen small bulbs planted in yet another bed aren't big enough yet to bloom. One of 10 or so clumps of pink Amaryllis belladonna opened flowers today. Didn't see when it emerged since it is in a more natural area I don't check every day. The rest aren't showing anything. One bulb of a white flowered form obtained at a nursery in California some years ago is likewise still invisible. We have had humid, rainy weather for the last week but highs only in the 85-104F range (34-40C.) Oxalis hirta is trying again but this time I won't put it outside in the heat. Guess I have to put up with leggy growth. One of three seedling Drimia (Urginia) maritima is sprouting and the big bulb is finished blooming. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA