Donated Paramongaia seed

Eugene Zielinski
Sun, 09 Sep 2012 15:18:27 PDT
All I can say is -- thank you VERY much for making the seed available to us!

Eugene Zielinski
Rapid City, SD

> [Original Message]
> Subject: [pbs] Donated Paramongaia seed
> Thanks for the interest in the donated Paramongaia seed! Lee Poulsen has
noted distinct forms that require differing dormancy regimes. I would say
that these are of the "lowland" type by your description. I was given two
potted specimens by Dr. Harold F. Winters (retired, USDA) several years ago
as he was afraid of losing them in his apartment. I kept an offset of each,
and donated the main bulbs to the US Botanic Garden. These grow in fall
following a long dry dormancy in the greenhouse, and bloom faithfully each
year mid to late December. Since they are individual clones, they fertilize
each other readily. The donation is a mix of seed from two pods, one from
each specimen crossed by the other. Hopefully this will increase the
genetic diversity of Paramongaia in cultivation. I have germinated seed
from this batch at a 90% I expect the market to be flooded with
these in a few years LOL! 
> Bill McLaughlin
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