Tiger lily bulbils

Randall P. Linke randysgarden@gmail.com
Sun, 16 Sep 2012 14:35:47 PDT
Few squirrels here, but the admonition is well taken.

I will put some into the ground, and some in pots.  Time will tell how this
works out.

These were my late wife's and until this spring were kept at a place that
had much colder winters, much more like the PNW, than where I live.

Monterey Bay Area, California

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Jane McGary <janemcgary@earthlink.net>wrote:

> Well, "toss them anywhere" might work, if the squirrels didn't eat
> the tiger lily bulbils before they got into the ground. If Randall
> wants more plants, it would be well to plant them about 2 inches (5
> cm) deep. I took some from my one mature plant this summer and
> planted them in a large pot to get another year's growth on them, and
> will then plant them out. Lilium lancifolium is such a common garden
> plant that some people won't grow it, but in a large garden it can be
> useful. It flowers later than some other lilies and, as Rimmer
> suggested, it will grow in almost any conditions.
> Jane McGary
> Portland Oregon
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