Salvaging Androstephium breviflorum
K. Claire Hilsinger (Sat, 15 Sep 2012 18:44:44 PDT)
Hello everyone!
I am a biological contractor working on a solar farm project in the
southern California desert. Due to upcoming construction, one of the rare
plants on site, *Androstephium breviflorum*, or, pink funnel lily, must be
salvaged. We have thought about seed collection, propagation from
cuttings, and whole plant transplant, but the fact is, not much is known
about this species and there is no documentation of transplantation or
salvage that we can find. Do any of you have suggestions?
This annual is a spring bloomer, but is only seen after a big rain, so it
may be difficult even to locate individuals. They are found in fine soils
at the bottoms of alluvial fans.
Thanks so much for your input!
Claire Hilsinger