hi from Wall Street Journal garden writer
Matt Mattus (Fri, 28 Sep 2012 05:01:20 PDT)

We should all consider ourselves ambassadors of bulbs - plants which we love
to collect and study. I would bet anything that many of us sit with the
average, curious gardener at our kitchen table, and help them navigate a
mass market or specialist bulb catalog, and help them choose both new, and
species varieties that might provide more interest than those found at
big-box stores.

Let's try to be more inclusive, and less exclusive.

Matt Mattus
Zone 5b, Worcester, MA

On 9/28/12 7:47 AM, "jonathan" <fatsia1234-pbs1@yahoo.com> wrote:

Michael, well said!

I searched for a group associated with tulips and didn't find one.  Is there
no equivalent to the Narcissus and Iris groups?

Jonathan Lubar
Z8b  Alachua FL

From: Michael Mace <michaelcmace@gmail.com>

Really? You want us to write your article for you? Do your  research for


Hmmm, I had a very different reaction.  I thought it was kind of neat that a
journalist, especially someone from a major publication, reached out to us
for information.

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