FW: Germination paper/blotter/Filter Paper Advice

meneice meneice@att.net
Tue, 11 Sep 2012 17:58:46 PDT
Thought maybe some of you could give Quinn some help.  He can be reached at


Shirley Meneice



From: Travis Mowers [mailto:Travis.Mowers@mobot.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:26 AM
To: Travis Mowers
Subject: Germination paper/blotter/Filter Paper Advice





From: Quinn Long 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 3:29 PM
To: Travis Mowers
Subject: Germination paper/blotter/Filter Paper Advice




   Could you please forward the message below. Thanks, 






Hello CPC network, 


   We need to restock our supply of filter paper for germination experiments
and noticed that there are several seed germination substrate alternatives
on the market - specifically seed germination paper and seed germination
blotters.  For example -
http://anchorpaper.com/index.php/seed-solutions/…. I'd
be interested to hear any thoughts and opinions based on your experience
with using any of these substrates in germination experiments compared to
using filter paper. Any advice is greatly appreciated. 







Quinn Long, Ph.D. |  Botanist/Ecologist | Center for Conservation and
Sustainable Development |  Missouri Botanical Garden | 314.577.9473 ext.
6414 |  314.577.0847 fax  | P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299



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