My introducion
Shirley Meneice (Wed, 05 Sep 2012 23:16:27 PDT)
Welkommen, Michael. I'm sure you are going to enjoy this group and all you learn from the members. Don't be shy about asking things as someone will probably have an answer and be delighted to give it to you.
Shirley Meneice, Pebble Beach, CA 93953, USDA Zone 10
--- On Wed, 9/5/12, "J.Mäsgen" <> wrote:
From: "J.Mäsgen" <>
Subject: [pbs] My introducion
Date: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 12:22 PM
Hi you all,
I like to introduce myself.
I am a new member since nearly a year. My proffession is horticulture. I
work in the Botanical Gardens of Bonn. The tropical greenhouses
including the Amorphophallus collection -especial A.titanum (… )- is
together with an mediterranean bulb collection my job.
Privatly my wife Jutta and I are gardening near Bonn on about 1500 m²
garden by the house and another 1200 m² 10 minutes walk away. Both
gardens are quite different. One has a small creek on two sides and is
shady and wet. The other is a south facing slope, which is hot and dry.
Both are zone 7. Beside the perinnial borders, a small alpine garden,
some trees and shrubs, some vegetables and fruits, we have a bulb
collection of about 800 different taxa. Main interesst is Narcissus,
Crocus, Fritillaria, Colchicum, different Araceae, Hyacinthaceae from
the Mediterranean area, and since we have a frostfree glasshouse
Gladiolus from S- Africa as well as Oxalis, Colochortus, etc. At least
everything with a bulb is wellcome!
My wife runs a small wholesale buiseness for rare plants. This developed
by often having so many spare bulbs and plants and not knowing what to
do with it. This should bring in some money to support the collection.
At leased we do travel as much as possible to see plants in the wild. In
the last years we mostly went to mediterranean countrys. But more exotic
contries like Georgia ( Caucasus), Mongolia, Kyrgistan were on the list
as well as Kambodia, Borneo, and other tropic places. Still it is great
fun working with plants.
As much as my time will allow I will try to support the forum.
Michael Neumann