I think there is a supplier called ?Marcus Harvey To aerate soil with grit or coarse sand requires about 1/3 volume of grit particles which would be equivalent to adding 3 inches of coarse sand or grit to the ground and digging it in to a depth of eight or nine inches. Most Tulips dwindle without lime or an alkaline soil and yes bone meal works for me, and I grow lots of tulips in pots. Tulips in pots require food. Peter (UK) On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 2:35 AM, Ceridwen Lloyd <ceridwen@internode.on.net>wrote: > Does anyone know of a source for these bulbs in The Antipodes? > > Sent from my iPhone > > On 30/09/2012, at 7:07 AM, "Gene Mirro" <mirrog@yahoo.com> wrote: > > > I had very heavy clay loam soil, which I amended with coarse sand. Till > the soil, pile 1.5" of sand on top, sprinkle dolomite lime and bone meal > generously, and till it in. Organic matter is also helpful. I always form > my soil into raised beds. You can get improved soil nearly a foot deep > that way. The range of plants that will grow in sandy loam soil is amazing. > > > > Tulips do best in full sun. No water in Summer. A light sprinkling of > 5-10-10 fertilizer or bone meal is very helpful in early Spring. People > say bone meal isn't good, but my bulbs love it. Apply more lime every year. > >