bulb propagtion query

David Pilling pbs@pilling.demon.co.uk
Thu, 27 Sep 2012 04:32:16 PDT

In message <1348709989.49133.YahooMailNeo@web190105.mail.sg3.yahoo.com>,
Michelle Domocol <mdomocol@yahoo.com> writes
>Good day, my name is Michelle Domocol.

Welcome to the list Michelle.

>      California area and have decided to propagate some bulbs from seed
>      indoors.
>Are there any fact sheets on your
>      website I could use?

The main page on growing bulbs from seed is:


related is the page on bulb cultivation:


There is also often information on the wiki under the specific species.
You might also search the archive of this list:


David Pilling
email: david@pilling.demon.co.uk
  web: http://www.davidpilling.net/

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