Seemannia nemanthoides (Wed, 19 Sep 2012 15:53:35 PDT)
Hi Dell,
I will do so, been busy moving house last few weeks. I have two baskets in full bloom, they are hanging on our new house's porch, they will migrate to my classroom so any seed pods get sufficient time to ripen. When I get a chance I will also check my refrigerated stores of seed, I am sure there is some in there as well.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: ds429 <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 3:46 pm
Subject: Re: [pbs] Seemannia nemanthoides
Anytime you want to send some seed to the BX many of us would like to have some.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 12:40:50 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Seemannia nemanthoides
Seemannia nemanthoides has got to be one of my favorite plants. Does great in
baskets and continues surviving along two walls, one at school (where it is
getting crowded out by advancing Crocosmia aurea) and at my old home (we are
moving now to a town nearby) where it has done well along a northwest wall. I
suspect rhizomes that go deeper than freezing are able to take cold and wet and
regrow when it gets warm. It blooms about August here, and keeps going till
frost. Propagates freely from rhizomes, and also will set copious powder fine
Ernie DeMarie
Briarcliff Manor, NY Z 6/7
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim McKenney <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 12:27 pm
Subject: [pbs] Seemannia nemanthoides
Seemannia nematanthoides is blooming now.
Last year my plant did not start to bloom until late September, and this year it
seems to be on the same schedule.
Has anyone known it to bloom earlier?
This one's a keeper for me. It spent last winter in a cold frame without any
problems. That makes me think it will survive the winter near the house wall.
Ernie in New York has successfully wintered it outside near a wall there, so I
think it'a about time to give it a trial here.
About the name: IPNI gives the species name as nematanthoides and cites
nemanthodes as a nomenclatural synonym. If you Google Seemannia nematanthoides,
you get no hits; if you Google S. nematanthodes, there are loads of hits. Is
this one of those cases where everyone is wrong except the guy in the ivory
tower?Or is it a case of the mob playing follow the leader?
OK, some of you might say that's snarky; is there some other non-snarky
explanation? Do I hear anyone saying "lapsus calami"?
Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.021954º North, 77.052102º West, USDA zone 7
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