Kniphofia report

Mon, 03 Sep 2012 14:06:21 PDT
Thanks for the pointer to the interesting blog, especially the old 
catalogues - very useful to see any early descriptions.  I only had the 
name W.E. Gumbleton before so good to see a description - not that the 
descriptions really help one to differentiate them and as you say, not a 
huge amount has changed in 100 years.  The number of spelling variations 
for some cultivars was so many that I stopped recording them all - 
finding the original spelling is always a challenge.

K. thomsonii is a great species but very variable.  The well-spaced 
flowers of your plant are typical of the one commonly found in 
cultivation, a triploid called 'Stern's Trip', however other clones are 
around.  The one I grow supposedly came originally from the Aberdares in 
Kenya but I don't have the full origins:…

I will check back on your blog to see which one's you think are the best.


On 03/09/2012 17:00, wrote:
> What a nice?coincidence: I did a brief piece on Kniphofia on my blog on August 3. In that blog I posted an image of a page from the early twentieth century catalog of Bertrand Farr of Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, USA. That page gives a list of kniphofias he was offering for sale just before the First World War. ?From that list one see one name to be added to Christopher Whitehouse's list: 'Wm. E. Gumbleton'. And an orthographic variant (misspelling) of one name which does appear correctly on the Whitehouse list can be seen on the Farr list: Farr lists Athropos, Whitehouse lists Atropos.?
> You can see the Farr list here:
> I'm trialing eighteen sorts this year, and from what I've seen so far not much has changed in a century.?

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