Clare wrote: >> *Androstephium breviflorum*, or, pink funnel lily, must be salvaged. We have thought about seed collection, propagation from cuttings, and whole plant transplant, but the fact is, not much is known about this species and there is no documentation of transplantation or salvage that we can find. Do any of you have suggestions? This annual is a spring bloomer, but is only seen after a big rain, so it may be difficult even to locate individuals. I haven't grown that one; hopefully someone on the list will know it and can give you more specific advice than me. But in the meantime... You said it's an annual, but according to what I can find online, it is a perennial that grows from a corm. Usually, the best way to relocate that sort of plant is to mark the plants when in growth, then dig up the corms carefully after they go dormant, and replant them in a similar habitat that doesn't have this species in residence. Digging plants in growth will probably kill many of them, and this type of plant will not grow from cuttings. You should also collect seeds from the plants and distribute them in the relocation area. Best of luck. Mike San Jose, CA